Online exams are administered and proctored by ProctorU, a secure, live-video proctoring service that ensures the integrity of our exams. The exam must be taken in a private space where the candidate is alone in a quiet room with no background noise or people walking by. The desk or workspace must be clear of any materials. Upon approval of exam application, ICML will send an email with a URL link to create a new account (or access an existing one) at ProctorU and schedule the exam date and time. Scheduling is based on slot availability. Exam appointments are available 24/7 and require a minimum of 72 hours advance scheduling.
Review prerequisites for your selected exam
To test through the ProctorU platform, you will need a desktop computer or laptop (mobile devices, such as tablets or cell phones, are not supported) that fulfills the following system requirements.
- Connectivity: 1 Mbps (1024 Kbps) Upload & Download (mobile hotspots and tethering are discouraged)
- Webcam: 640x480 resolution
- Microphone: All microphones other than those built into headphones are permitted
- Speakers: Built-in or external speakers are required
- Browser: Download the Guardian Browser
If you do not have access to a private room with a
clean desk or workspace, then you should not register for an online exam. Click this image here to see examples of what we mean by a "clean desk or workspace."
Start the application process by selecting the exam type below.
- 点击此处浏览对您所选择的考试类型的提前要求。
- 申请试卷考试须在距离考试日期两周之前完成。
- 您必须在国际机器润滑协会认可的考试场所进行考试。
- 考试过程必须有一名国际机器润滑协会认可的监考人员在场。